Tape, Reflective, Red and White,Per Roll, Safety N1023662

SKU: N1023662

Ebuy Numbers: 61812


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SKU: N1023662

Weight: 1 lbs

Often used to line truck trailers, this reflective postal tape can be used to draw attention to any type of potential hazard, whether it be a mailbox close to the road, a dark loading dock, or an LLV on a dim street. The pressure sensitive tape withstands dirt and common solvents, and is ideal for outdoor use.This reflective safety tape features red and white alternating colors, each with a 700-1000 candle-power intensity. This trailer tape also meets ASTM D-4956-90 Type V requirements. Postal tape sold in 10 ft rolls. Ships USPS.


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61812Tape, Reflective, Red and ...

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